The muchloved 1984 christmas movie starring george c. Those parallels go a long way to explaining his definitive portrayal of the original curmudgeon in the 1984 madefortv remake. Ebenezer scrooge scott is a miser whose sole pursuit of financial success has left him a bitter and lonely old man. Considered by many the best version of charles dickens cautionary christmas tale, this madefortv version was filmed in shrewsbury, england, and. What really, really lifts this adaptation of a christmas carol to the highest of heights is the performance of george c. Scott, angela pleasence, edward woodward, nigel davenport the movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 40 min, and received a score of out of 100 on. Scott was an immensely talented actor, a star of screen, stage and television. This is, perhaps, the only version of a christmas carol in which scrooge wears dress pants with a dress shirt, vest, and smoking jacket instead of his nightgown, slippers, and cap. Whether it be a charles dickens book read by the christmas tree, or a staged reading, or a broadway production, or one of the many movie adaptations, everybody has their favorite production of this perennial classic. A christmas carol is a 1984 madefortv film adaptation of the novel of the same name, directed by clive donner. Considered by many the best version of charles dickens cautionary christmas tale, this madefortv version was filmed in shrewsbury, england, and earned george c. I have the 1939 reginald owen version but i got it in color online which is extremely rare. This is an interesting pairing of holiday dvds in that we have the 1984 television version of a christmas carol with george c. George campbell scott october 18, 1927 september 22, 1999 was an american stage and film actor, director and producer.
Pretty much immediately after the airing of a christmas carol starring george c. In 1945, he joined the united states marines and spent four years with. Scott version of a christmas carol is another version that is widely regarded as both realistic and faithful to the dickens story. On the george c scott verion of a christmas carol, at the very end of the movie when the ending credits come up, there is a christmas song played that i would like to know the name of. Prime video streaming online video available to watch on supported devices. I got the 1935 seymour hicks version which is in color from legend films. A christmas carol 1984 rotten tomatoes movie trailers.
The film is directed by clive donner, who had been an. Scott absolutely owns the role, disappearing into the character of ebenezer scrooge. Cast in credits order complete, awaiting verification. Scotta as ebenezer scrooge and the classic 1947 original version of miracle on 34th street. A christmas carol 1984 cast and crew dickens london miser ebenezer scrooge george c. Scott stars in dickens classic tale of ebeneezer scrooge no christmas should be without. On quick check, it appears to be of better quality.
It was released in theaters in england, where it was also filmed. Scott, angela pleasence, edward woodward, nigel davenport the movie has a runtime of about 1. In the 80s, scott played fagin in oliver twist 1982, scrooge in a christmas carol 1984, and dupin in the murders in the rue morgue 1987. This product can expose you to some chemicals, which is known to the state of california to cause for more information, go to. Rent a christmas carol 1984 on dvd and bluray netflix. So grant us all a change of heart rejoice for marys son bring peace on earth to all mankind god bless us everyone. This film is actually scary, even compared to the version which starred george c. Every christmas eve, in the afternoon, my brother and i would put it our old worn vhs tape, containing that special and several others recorded offair one enterprising christmas, and watch the. An ebenezer scrooge with hands, organs, dimension, senses, affections. My name is nobody western english free and full movie henry fonda hd spaghetti western duration. Scott, frank finlay, angela pleasence, edward woodward. Its available to watch on tv, online, tablets, phone. This 1984 version of scrooge staring george c scott of charles dickens a christmas carol was a 1984 television movie adaptation of the famous 1843 story of the same name.
But it was the only upload of the 84 version that i could find, except for this one with greek subtitles. Scott openly reeled at the very thought of portraying scrooge under such conditions, especially in an english midwinter. This adaptation originally premiered as a tv movie in 1984. An old bitter miser who rationalizes his uncaring nature learns real compassion when three spirits visit him on christmas eve. Scott in 1984 on cbs tv, it became the goto version of the classic in my house when i was growing up. Scott meets the ghosts of christmases past, present and yet to come. Scott as ebenezer scrooge, the man who thinks christmas is humbug until hes visited by three ghosts with an agenda. Scott delivers a riveting performance as scrooge in the 1984 tv version of charles dickens holiday classic, a christmas carol.
Scotts portrayal of scrooge is brilliant, as he was a very. And the subtitles really arent a problem, at least for me. David warner, who spent most of his career playing villains and. But a christmas eve visit from the ghosts of christmas past, present and future ultimately teaches him to open his heart to the spirit of christmas and to the joys of friends and family. State of the art computer animation and state of the art fx may allow modern filmakers many more options than their predecessors, but without the human interaction of the cratchet family, which was. Amazons choice recommends highly rated, wellpriced products available to ship immediately. He was best known for his stage work, as well as his portrayals of the prosecutor claude dancer in anatomy of a murder 1959, general buck turgidson in stanley kubricks dr. A christmas carol 1984 stream and watch online moviefone. A viewers guide to various versions of a christmas carol. Scott s portrayal of scrooge is brilliant, as he was a very fine actor and fans of his work will enjoy him in this role. A christmas carol 1984 full movie, with george c scott as.
Scott actor, david warner actor, clive donner director 4. A christmas carol 1984 full movie, with george c scott. At the age of eight, his mother died, and his father, an executive at buick, raised him. A christmas carol movie tv listings and schedule tv guide. Patton in the film patton 1970, and ebenezer scrooge in.
In this adaptation of charles dickens a christmas carol, miserly ebeneezer scrooge is confronted by a group of ghosts who aim to change his bad attitude toward christmas and humanity in general. I loved this made for television film adaptation of charles dickens a christmas carol. Parents need to know that in a christmas carol, the granddaddy of morality tales, dickens timeless material looks unglamorously at 19th century english life and shows us how wrong turns, if not righted, can lead good people astray. The film is directed by clive donner, who had been an editor of the 1951 film scrooge, and stars george c. He was born on october 18, 1927 in wise, virginia, to helena agnes slemp and george dewey scott. At his reported worst, scott was stubborn, condescending, and menacing. The music dramatically complements a finely adapted script. A christmas carol is a 1984 britishamerican madefortelevision film adaptation of charles dickens famous 1843 novella of the same name. State of the art computer animation and state of the art fx may allow modern filmakers many more options than their predecessors, but without the human interaction of the cratchet family, which was present in the scott version that featured human actors not animation this film simply becomes an.
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